You all know that as a stay-at-home mom of four, one of which is still too little for school, I’m a huge advocate for the at-home facial. But there are days when skin issues need care beyond at-home maintenance.
Here’s the deal: Two weeks ago I decided to get serious about getting my fitness on. With that, I also decided to switch out my normal protein shake and try a new one. Ladies, my face paid for it dearly!!! I broke out so bad that not even my go-to GMK Spot Treatment could undo the ravages of my skin’s reaction.
That’s when I turned to a pro. Here’s the thing, we maintain our cars with routine oil changes, and I honestly don’t know what else because my man does that stuff. But when the car is in need of repairs, we call a pro. Enter Leah, the Ethical Esthetician. Over the past year, Leah has been using GMK products for professional facials.
When I sent her pictures of my face, she immediately scheduled me in. And thank goodness she did.
After my GMK natural facial, she busted out the big guns. The first was an Ultrasonic machine which uses high level sound waves to assist the product’s penetration in reaching below the skin’s surface. It also exfoliates and increases blood circulation to promote cellular renewal.
Leah explained to me that these high frequency waves are great after extractions Leah then use a high frequency machine! This handheld devise kills the bacteria in acne. It creates an “ozone” aka an environment that the pimple cannot thrive.
Her second weapon was a dermatome blade used to gently scrape the top layer of my problem skin. This is called Dermaplaning and the aftermath is amazing!! With the removal of all the dead skin cells and vellus hair (aka peach fuzz) my skin was left glowing, radiant and smooth.
The facial took one hour and even Yeyo’s good behavior throughout the entire process showed that he approved. I add this because many times, moms are turned off to the idea of taking their kids to a self-care appointment. Don’t be!!! And to top it all off, I walked out without any redness or signs that my face had just gotten a complete overhaul.
But another revelation I had was that I really believe in Leah’s vision of providing ethical and natural professional facials. And Leah feels the same way about GMK.
Soooo on to the really great news: Ethical Esthetician and Good Morning Kiss have partnered up again for a new promotion. Buy a full facial kit from GMK, take it to Leah for a Natural Facial (regularly priced at $45) and she’ll give you a $10 discount. How awesome is that??
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?